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Poetry That Speaks Strength To Your Heart And Revelation

To Your Soul.


The Redemption Prayer of Salvation

 I Confess with my mouth and Believe in my heart that Jesus died on the cross for my sin. He was raised from the dead to bring Redemption for my soul. Accept my Repentance and my confession, Lord I ask to be redeemed by your saving grace. I ask Lord Jesus, for forgiveness of my sin. Lord, I turn away from my transgressions I pray you remember them no more. 

Father I ask you to come into my heart Cleansing me from all unrighteousness.  Jesus, be Lord of my life. I pray that you will hear my prayer and make me whole again. Be my Lord and Savior. By your grace I accept your love and redemption.


Save Me Lord Jesus, I believe and acknowledge the great sacrifice you gave for the salvation of the entire world, and I ask to be born again.


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Our Mission Statement of Vision

ExSpressed Solutions, is a unique company full of artistry expressed in many fashions. This Spoken word combined with written passages, quotes, Poetry and other materials are produced solely from the Holy scriptures. ExSpressed Solutions Company is held to high standers of integrity and truth. This material written and sold is presented in an artistry form to enhance all who will embrace it.


This knowledge of truth combined with the art of positive expression is written, presented and distributed with the anointing from God. We offer a slightly different platform for Ministry, prayerfully to add value to your knowledge of God and your relationship with him as Lord. This vision and purpose is to spread positive Spoken Word that is life changing and beneficial to the soul.


Our goal is to introduce to all while promoting the word of God and the knowledge of the Kingdom of God. We choose daily to publish Gods word in this form of art as the solution that it represents.

In our work we surrender every endeavor, idea influenced and talent to this vision. All products produced are to awaken your life's purpose, and we hope with each expression it will encourage and propel you forward into your potential and fulfillment.

We reverent God and his spoken word as we represent and honor his guidance in which we are focused to complete His work. It is our promise to publish expressions of art, with a true commitment to inform and influence the entire world about God. The name Da’Voice Da’PoeT, explains the Holy Spirit being the Voice and the Poet is the presenter.


Our Mission Statement of Vision foundation scripture:

2 Peter 1:21

For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of
man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved

by the Holy Ghost.”

For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.”

Anchor 1

Psalms 45:1

My heart is inditing a good matter, I speak the things that I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.

Beach Waves

Da'Voice Da'PoeT

Da'Voice Da'PoeT

Da'Voice Da'PoeT
Reading Psalms 9 1-20

Reading Psalms 9 1-20

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Psalms 7 :1-17

Psalms 7 :1-17

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Psalms 8:1-9

Psalms 8:1-9

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I opened my heart to Jesus at the age of 14 accepting him as my personal savior. The Lord placed a love for him and his word in my heart and that Love remains even today. My life has never been the same and my journey with him began where I find myself fulfilling my life's purpose as he has designed

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